BSM Block 4: Introduction to Evidence Based Practice in Midwifery Care
Started May 23, 2022
4 credits
Full course description
BSM Block 4
Course Description: This course builds on the concepts covered in the course Introduction to midwifery research methodologies. Students learn to analyze and understand research and medical literature through the development of critical appraisal skills. In this course, the area between research and practice is bridged giving students practical tools for problem-solving clinical questions and converting research into practice.
Course Objectives: In addition to the BSM Degree Learning Objectives upon completing this course the student will:
- Understand how to effectively read scientific literature
- Understand how to use available tools to analyze the efficacy of a study design
- Be able to evaluate a study for its rigor and quality
- Be familiar with the peer review process required for publication
- Understand the significance of a systematic research review
- Understand how to turn clinical problems into research questions
- Be able to critically appraise systematic reviews
- Be able to present research on a research question so that it can be understood by the wider clinical community
Learning Activities
Read, listen to, watch assigned lesson materials. |
Complete oral and/or written formative didactic assessments with final summative submission. |
Identify and cite high-quality sources. |
Analyze clinical case studies. |
Analyze and complete critical research reviews. |
Create an infographic, handout, and/or community resource. |
Advocate and/or interact through the performance of a final presentation through the development of a conference poster and charts. |
Submit a portfolio. |