Standing African American woman pointing at a written flow chart of information.

BSM Block 4: Introduction to Writing & Presenting on Midwifery Topics

Time limit: 476 days
4 credits

$500 Enroll

Full course description

*Writing portion of this course can be completed to satisfy 2 credits of ASM English composition requirement. Contact the office for more information on how to enroll in the two-credit version.

BSM Block 4

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce the BSM student to methods of professional writing and presentation of midwifery topics. The course uses online resources to guide students in the development of writing skills and techniques appropriate to the field of midwifery research. Students develop writing and presentation experience by practicing the rules of professional writing and using current standards in a professional research presentation.

Course Objectives:

In addition to the BSM Degree Learning Objectives upon completing this course the student will be able to:

  • Obtain proficiency in the college-level writing process
  • Understand the elements of style used in scientific writing
  • Craft clear thesis statements
  • Generate an outline on a writing topic
  • Efficiently locate resources from scholarly journals and sources
  • Understand the principles behind citing sources
  • Utilize a variety of methods for citing sources and the appropriate application for each
  • Compose a quality journal abstract
  • Write a journal article
  • Present on a professional topic of their choice

Learning Activities:

Read, listen to, watch assigned lesson materials.
Complete oral and/or written formative didactic assessments with final summative submission.
Identify and cite high-quality sources.
Analyze clinical case studies.
Analyze and complete critical research reviews.
Create outlines, abstracts, and articles for writing topics.
Development and performance of a final presentation.
Submit a portfolio.