
BSM Block 4: Midwifery Research Methods

Started Feb 18, 2022
4 credits

$500 Enroll

Full course description

ASM Block 4

Course Description: This course is an introduction to scientific research methods as they apply to midwifery and health sciences. The course gives a detailed description of the key concepts of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to research. All of the core concepts for designing a research proposal are covered in this course. This course aims to give the midwife an entry-level understanding of skills that apply to research development.

Course ObjectivesIn addition to the BSM Degree Learning Objectives upon completing this course the student will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of research to midwifery practice
  • Detail the process of writing a research proposal
  • Consider the ethical and legal considerations for undertaking research
  • Discuss the power dynamics that are at play between researchers and their subjects
  • List a variety of different approaches to qualitative and quantitative research design
  • Consider the principles of mixed methods research
  • Review the principles of population selection and sampling
  • Detail data collection approaches to qualitative and quantitative research
  • Discuss data analysis techniques for qualitative and quantitative research
  • Explain the principles of disseminating research

Learning Activities

Read, listen to, watch assigned lesson materials.
Complete oral and/or written formative didactic assessments with final summative submission.
Identify and cite high-quality sources.
Conduct an Interview.
Develop and conduct a survey.
Practice the process of writing research proposals while critically considering various legal/ethical issues regarding research.
Write research papers
Utilize statistical methods required for evaluating research.