
Block 2: Perinatal Education Including Human Lactation

Started Oct 22, 2021
3 credits

$420 Enroll

Full course description

ASM Block 2

Course DescriptionThis course ensures the student knows the appropriate information that should be provided to clients in a childbirth class through designing a childbirth education curriculum outline and teaching a childbirth education series. Additionally, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to human lactation and the significance of this relationship including mechanisms and importance of chestfeeding while emphasizing skills to identify and solve common problems that occur during early chestfeeding when both the lactating parent and infant are most likely to be in midwifery care.

(This course is not intended to train the student as a lactation consultant.)

This course uses current research in midwifery and obstetrics to broaden the student’s understanding of the NARM skills and MEAC essential competencies learned under clinical supervision.

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are identified through the linking of MEAC Essential Competencies and the NCM Degree Qualification Profile.

Learning Activities 

Read, listen to, watch assigned lesson materials.
Submit a written summary of current research.
Complete oral and/or written formative didactic assessments with a final summative submission.
Identify and cite high-quality sources.
Use articulated reasoning while participating in an oral presentation, facilitated discussions and skills demonstrations.
Community engagement demonstration
Analyze a case study.
Engage with the community.
Conduct an interview and/or develop a survey
Create an infographic, handout, and/or community resource.
Advocate and/or interact through the performance of a final presentation.
Optional: NARM Practice Questions
Complete a final exam.

Note: The clinical requirement of NARM /Clinical Skills is completed at any time throughout the ASM apprenticeship during actual clinical practice and is NOT a requirement to complete this academic course. Typical clinical manifestations of knowledge learned in this course are identified in the learning objective document above.